I will translate 200 words or more from any language


I offer manual, fast, and accurate translations from Spanish to English OR English to Spanish etc.




I offer manual, fast, and accurate translations from Spanish to English OR English to Spanish etc.

I only take pdf files, word documents and nothing written on paper.

I will create a custom offer if your document is over 1,000 words. Please message me first in order to receive an offer and place your order.

Any digital file text of your choice.
Please specify your requirements and attach all relevant files before placing your order.
Please specify if you are in a rush! All standard gig orders can take up to 24h unless agreed otherwise.

What I DON’T translate:

Audio material (eg. video or audio files).
Legal documents
Hand-written pages

Feel free to message me for any additional information.

Thank you, and have a nice day!


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