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From designers to writers & developers we’ve got you covered
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Services Marketplace

Browse Gigs/Services that have a clear scope and price
Post work, hire a pro and work with the brightest talent
You can post work, find talent and engage with them.

Explore Fresh Perspectives
Youngsters are challenging norms everyday. They can add a new outlook to your team’s brainstorming sessions.

Empower The Next Gen
Working with gigsters from UniGigs, helps you empower the next generation enterpreneurs and their ideas.

Suss Out Potential Employees
A Gigster today, a team lead tomorrow. Building the right team takes time, so why not start early.
Engage with the community
Join us in our endeavor to encourage skilled talent. Work and connect with enthusiastic minds who bring fresh perspective, enthusiasm, a zeal to learn, and so much more to the table.

Services Marketplace
Browse services offered by talented freelancers. We have got the brightest minds of the world accessible at the click of a button. Need we say more? Find varied skills at competitive, winning prices.

Bizz & Buzz makers
Sales and marketing gigs that deliver the buzz that your business needs

Tech Stars
Coding, development and programming - trust us these youngsters are really magical

Word Weavers
Your message is the king. Creative content, technical writing, translation, and all other bits in between

Healers & Hustlers
Health, fitness and lifestyle gigs, the youngsters are young, energetic and enthusiastic

Visual Wizards
For graphic design, photography and video/film needs

Golden Gurus
For academic and non academic tutoring, coaching and mentorship

Crafty Collaborators
For your painting, sketching and sculpting needs

Chore Chasers
For your quick errands, baby sitting, pet walking etc (survey, booth, pamphlets)
Discover your true potential
If you crave financial independence, or want to give your creativity the freedom it yearns, you are at the right place! Discover your true potential. Get a taste of the real world and turn your passion into a profession. Pick your skill, we will help you monetize it.

Get inspired.
Creativity and passion at it's best
Anisha is pursuing a bachelors in fine arts from Delhi, and aspires to be an established designer. She created this lovely wall art. She spends her free time creating beautiful designs, murals and colours in cafes, restaurants and homes. She’s making money using her skills while still in college!